Mup Version 7.2 is available ready-to-run (compiled) for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, or Linux, or in source form for compiling yourself on any system with a C compiler. In order to use Mup, you will also need a PostScript viewer. If you don't already have one, we recommend Ghostscript, which you can download for free from or
You can download and use Mup for free.
Download and run mup72ins.exe file. This runs the Mup/Mupmate installer. It shows you the license, and if you agree, it installs Mup and Mupmate, along with the User's Guide and other documentation. If for some reason the link above doesn't work for you, you can try this alternate link to mup72ins.exe After the installation completes, reboot.
After you install, under Start > Programs you will find an Arkkra entry, and under there are Mupmate and Uninstall Mupmate. If you would like an icon for Mupmate on your desktop, you can create one by right clicking Mupmate, choosing "copy", right clicking somewhere on the desktop, and choosing "paste". You can also run Mupmate by double clicking a .mup file in Windows Explorer. With some versions of Windows, you may have to reboot your computer for all this to work.
The easiest way to use Mup is to run Mupmate. However, you can also run Mup directly, or by using Mupdisp, from an MS-DOS (command prompt) window. See our web page called "Running Mup on MS-DOS" for detailed information on this.
If you have Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, or other RHEL derivatives, and have the EPEL repo enabled, you should be able to just do
yum install mup
Otherwise, you can download mup72lin.tgz file, which includes precompiled, ready-to-run executable files and documentation as a gzip-ed tar file. Or if your system supports software installation via rpm, you can download the rpm package mup-7.2-0.x86_64.rpm and install using
rpm -i mup-7.2-0.x86_64.rpm
Mup itself has no special dependencies, but Mupmate, the graphical front-end program, uses fltk, so the rpm declares dependencies on fltk and the X11 libraries that it depends on. If you intend to only use Mup in command line mode without ever using Mupmate, you can install using --nodeps option if you don't have fltk libraries installed.
If your system uses .deb packaging (e.g, Ubuntu, Debian, etc), You can download the mup_7.2-1_amd64.deb package and install using
dpkg -i mup_7.2-1_amd64.deb
If you wish to compile Mup for yourself, you can download either mup72src.tar.gz or mup7.2-0.src.rpm files. Additional information on building Mup is available.
If for some reason the links above don't work for you, you can try these alternate links:
Download This is a disk image. If it doesn't automatically show up as a device in Finder, double click on it to get it mounted as a device. To install, you can just drag and drop the MupMate folder onto your Applications folder or the folder of your choice. Read the included README-MacOSX.html file for more information.
If you want to compile Mup yourself for OS X, rather than using the prebuilt image:
tar zxvf mup72src.tar.gz
cd mup-7.2/mup ln -s ../mup72src.tar.gz mup-7.2.tar.gz cd packaging builddmgSee the README file for information on various other options for compilation.
Mup should run on almost any system that has a C compiler.
The complete source code package is available for download as
The source code packages all contain the same files; they are just in different formats.
More detailed information on compiling Mup is available.